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2nd Floor, Kamindi Building, Kiambu Road, Kiambu

Frequently Asked Questions

A land buying co-operative is a group of individuals who come together with the aim of pooling resources to purchase land collectively. The land is then subdivided among members according to the amount each contributed.

Joining a land buying co-operative can help you overcome the high cost of land purchase. The group’s pooled resources enable you to buy land at a lower cost compared to individual purchases. It also offers you a platform to save money for your land purchase through contributions over a period of time.

To ensure that your investment in the land buying co-operative is secure, conduct due diligence on the co-operative and its members. Ensure that the co-operative has proper legal documentation, and the land being purchased is free of encumbrances. Also, ensure that the group has a clear plan on how to manage and maintain the land.

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